Going to “Parts Unknown” on Election Day

Tony Bourdain
Today is another election day, and like most election days the outcome, regardless of who wins, will likely do little for the cause of advancing peace and prosperity in America and abroad. This is because we aren’t choosing between people who actually see the world much differently, but instead we are choosing whose speeches we will hear while the empire rolls on.

What I would suggest doing tonight instead of watching election coverage, or AT LEAST watching it in addition, is this past Sunday’s episode of Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdainhere.

Parts Unknown has been one of my favorite shows from its conception, and though it varies from very good to great every week, it occasionally achieves transcendent and amazing! This week was one of those transcendent and amazing episodes. Tony takes us where few of us have been, to Iran…

The Iran that all the people running for office today see as an imminent threat to America and part of an axis of evil. The Iran, that is supposedly full of crazy people who’s greatest passion in life is to start WW3. The Iran that we have used various forms of economic, covert and not so covert means to attempt to control for 100 years to our and its own citizens peril…

Anthony Bourdain a red blooded but deeply thoughtful American takes us to this place that is held up by all the leaders of all the parties as ground zero for national psychopathy.

I would suggest you watch this episode and ask yourself, why is this Iran so different than the Iran that any of the people in office or running for office tell me it is? If Iran and its people are different than what I have been told, what else is different than what I have been told? Figuring that out is far more important than whichever party wins today…

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Tad is a producer, writer, and business strategist who has experience in Media Production, Creative Direction, Strategic Partnerships, and Emerging Platforms.